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How to Handle Setbacks

Writer: kristidearkristidear


Episode 88: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we're going to continue talking about how to keep a positive, uplifting mindset when you're faced with a setback, adversity or challenge. Recently, when I was leaving Miami from a trip with my beauty company, I actually went straight to the emergency room because I was having some pain in my stomach and I was forced to step back and heal. And with this setback, I just thought that I would share it with you some tips and things that I have done, because maybe you're going through something now, maybe you've gone through something in the past, life is a series of ups and downs, highs and lows, and it's really learning about not trying to control everything, but it's controlling our response to what's going on in the world or to ourselves, that's going to make or break our state of mind, our quality of life.

Ready? Let's go...


• I was sitting here feeling like I had a setback, as you know, I'm very active, I work out a lot and on our Miami trip, my husband and I were bike riding. I go to the gym very, very often. I try to go five, six days a week or walk in between, and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. It was frustrating me because I was having pain and I felt like I was having a really huge setback, I didn't understand why this was happening. But then again, I was like, Okay, God, Okay, universe, this is you telling me to be still, maybe to be quiet, maybe to let go. And yeah, I finally went to a doctor who decided that I had something wrong with a previous hernia surgery, and that I had actually, probably with lifting weights and working out, I'm lifting very, very heavy weight, which I love to do, but I probably tore that area and I could possibly have some other hernias. So I recently had surgery, and he actually repaired one hernia and found two more. (02:01)

• But before I start and really dive into this episode, I'm going to start with our Mindset Chick mantra that we've been saying at the beginning of every episode. And this month, I want to change it up, I want to say something different. I love to say this mantra, and so I thought, why not change it up, and it will be very fitting for this month and the month to go. So we go, I am receiving, I am receiving now, I am receiving all of the wealth health blessings and prosperity that the universe has for me. Now, I'm going to say it one more time. I am receiving, I am receiving now, I'm receiving all of the wealth, health blessings and prosperity that the universe has for me now, and so it is. So, what do you do when you find yourself in a situation like myself or a different situation where you feel like you're having this set back? You feel like you're on point and you're working so hard, and you are so close to manifesting that goal and that you've been really working on your mindset and changing your subconscious beliefs, and you've been tapping and you're so close, and then it feels like a setback, how do you continue to stay positive and not let it affect you? (04:55)

• I talked to so many people on my team about this a lot, when they're like, I'm so close to that goal, I'm so close, I just need maybe some more customers from our business partners, I just need a little bit more, and then I'll get there, and they're focusing on the lack, what they don't have. And I encourage them to flip the script, whatever we focus on expands, whatever we bless grows, so bless all the customers you have right now, bless all the clients you have right now, bless all the business partners you have right now, bless all of the wonderful friendships you have right now, bless the health that you have right now, focus on what you do have, what's going right, and it will just make you feel better. And not only that, you'll probably see that you'll have more love flowing to you, more blessings, more prosperity, more love, and you'll feel a whole lot better than being down and out and focusing on the problems, the setbacks, the adversity. I'm really excited about May, I'm super excited about being able to get back in the gym. But I'm just taking it one day at a time. (13:52)

• One more announcement I want to make before I wrap up this podcast, starting now, the Mindset Chick podcast is actually going to be airing every other Tuesday, so it's going to go from every Tuesday at 6:00 AM central to every other Tuesday. Now, I do send out an email each morning as soon as the podcast drops, so if you're not on my email list, I would encourage you to get on my email list. You can just go to, get on my email list. You can get your free gift from me, the magic five morning mindset, which will be delivered to your inbox. That way you can stay on top of when the podcast will air, and you'll get that email 600 AM Central on the Tuesday that the podcast will air. And our next episode, which will be in a couple of weeks, I'm so excited to announce one of my team members, one of my friends, she's joining us, she's going to be sharing her story about her challenge and adversity. I want to say a little bit about it, but I don't want to give it away, it's literally shocking what she has gone through and how she overcame all of this to create a life that she now loves. (16:00)


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