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Deborah Abrams: The Prospering Power of Yoga, Stillness, & Being Present in the Moment

Writer: kristidearkristidear


Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast. Today I am excited to share my special guest Deborah Abrams. Deborah is a Registered 500HR Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance, specializing in the LYT Yoga method, teaching Power Vinyasa, Restorative and Yin Yoga, she is also known for her spiritual retreats which she leads a couple times a year. Currently working on a collaboration for upcoming projects for future retreat. While residing in Texas with her husband and 3 children, Deborah has a full teaching schedule in addition to leading in house workshops at Frisco’s newest boutique training facility “Karma Fitness”.

Ready? Let's go...


• I wasn't really a gym rat growing up, I didn't take kindly to indoor sporting activities, I was more of an outdoorsy kind of girl. Growing up in Canada, I was a girl scout, I went through all the stages in Canada, we call them Girl Guides of Canada, and I went all the way becoming a leader on everything, and then taking that into school, I was a leader in school, I headed the Outdoors Club, I was a camp counselor for school, and in turn during the summers I was camp counselor for my nearby communities, and so outdoor activity was always my go-to. (2:52)

• So this was what, 21 years ago, and now I pass forward... Now we have access to so much more. And so way back then, there was just really only a couple of styles, like methodologies of the yoga practice, and I don't know if they still have this group that brings Yogi rock stars, as they say, into the city for us all to go and flee to and just learn from. They do many workshops, and I used to take up as much as I can from Baron Baptiste, Tim Miller, Kino Macgregor, all the ones that have Ashtanga or Iyengar backgrounds, like the power and then Baron Baptiste coined the phrase power yoga. Right? And so I was always attracted to this powerful side of it, Power Vinyasa, very athletic. (7:14)

• At the gym one day, I saw my pro fitness coordinator and I hadn't seen her in a while, and all of a sudden I see her and her body has had completely transformed, changed into this machine, like I could see every muscle. She was a walking piece of anatomy, I could see every tendon, every muscle. Just as she moves, I'm like, Oh my gosh, what are you doing? So she passed her trainer's name onto me, and that's when I got into the lifting weights. (10:25)

• I teach the Lit yoga method, which is a physical therapy-based yoga practice, and so every time you come into the class it's very much a tune up to your body, we get the core integrated, we get your big stabilizers, big movers or glutes fired up because like I call it, this snoozy glutes or glute amnesia, I'm sure you've heard it in your world, it's like you need to wake those suckers up because they tend to go to sleep on us. And then the spine, resetting the spine, so bringing the spine into neutral, the pelvis into neutral, it's all encompassing even before we get into our flows. So at that point, at the beginning of the class is when I get you all in that reset position so that you're ready and able to take on stuff when you're on your feet. (13:08)

• And that's the key right there, Kristi, is your energy, your energy. When you have so much clutter in your life and then you're clutter in your mind, and that monkey mind is going like a broken record and you just cannot get out of the hamster wheel. You feel... You actually feel like you're spilling your energy, your energy is being pulled in different directions, kind of like elastic girl, you can imagine, but with elastic girl, that's her super power, but it's not our super power. If we're being pulled in different directions... It actually is the opposite. And we know this, and I've said this mantra before, you can't pour from an empty cup, so we're spilling all this energy out, and we're really not optimizing our performance in our life, our performance in our head, are critical thinking skills, we're not on point. (19:41)


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